TPG Summer School in New Orleans - August 16, 2017 6:00pm - 7:30pm
I'm super excited to be presenting "Understanding Your Signature Style," with TPG Summer School in New Orleans. Not to mention, I'm honored to be amongst all of the talented artists on this year's roster! Please see the details below and sign up NOW!!
Summer's here and with it comes long weekends on the beach, barbeque and lot's of free education at The Powder Group! That's right, the Summer of 2017 is the season of TPG Summer School - and TPG Pro Members attend for FREE! Non-members attend for only $65! REGISTER NOW!.
On Wednesday, August 16 and August 23, 2017, The Powder Group will bring you a different artist session to inform, educate and inspire in six cities across the U.S. Space is limited for each event, but there is no limit to how many programs you can participate in, so register today by contacting for TPG Pro members, and for Non-Members, REGISTER HERE.